Ready, Set... GO!

I started this journey a couple of years ago with ConvertMe. My first iPhone app which has now a little bit more than 1 year in the App Store.

For a long time I’ve being thinking on a good name for a company.

A while ago I heard a legend about Steve Jobs challenging a developer about having rounded corners in a rectangle, and after reading a little bit about it I really like the concept around rounded corners. Unfortunately, Round Corners already exits... although the name was too long, so I shorted it to just Rounded Apps.

But I think it was the logo design what really sold me the idea. I wanted a simple and clean logo, something that could be easily used in the apps, and the idea of creating a shape similar to an app badge really was really appealing.

So, there you go. The journey of Rounded Apps has just started, paved by the work done by ConvertMe. Rounded Apps will be the home for more iPhone apps.